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Moose, Anyone? In Newfoundland, Food Both Rustic and Sophisticated (via The New York Times)

We love to explore Newfoundland and Labrador and we're always excited when CFA's (come from away) also get to experience it either first hand or via amazing articles like this one from the The New York Times.

'You think a lot about moose in Newfoundland. You are frequently reminded of their hidden presence by silhouettes printed on yellow hazard signs. You are startled by their actual presence while speeding sleepily down remote stretches of road. They appear as burgers or steaks on the menu at local diners. But you don’t think of them as carpaccio — until you eat at Raymonds restaurant in St. John’s, the rugged, multicolored capital city, perched on the Canadian province’s east coast.'

Read full article here!

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