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#NLIceberg Chasers - Bonavista, NL

The typical May 2-4 weekend in Newfoundland and Labrador tends to consist of heading up to da cabin or out to the trailer for some much earned R&R. We can usually expect to experience all seasons over the weekend from sun to rain to snow...but not this year. We've had sunshine and temps breaking into the low 20s. What an amazing long weekend so far.

#17Because this was not a typical long weekend in terms of weather, we decided to spend it as a non-typical long weekend altogether acting like tourists taking selfies all along our journey.


#1We traveled from St. John's to beautiful Bonavista to explore all that it had to offer especially the icebergs. Our first iceberg was spotted in Chance Cove just off the TCH. It wasn't close but it was worth the 5 minute detour to check it out.

Along the way, we spotted a small town that we've probably passed by 20 times and never noticed but this time we had to stop for a look around Port Union. These are just a couple of pictures to wet your appetite to visit this beautiful town.


#5Shortly after leaving Port Union, we struck the Iceberg motherload starting in Catalina and Little Catalina. We could not count all the icebergs.  This is just a sample so keep reading to see all the photos below.



After leaving Little Catalina, we headed into Elliston and then on to Bonavista. As we left Elliston, we were greeted with the following view. This doesn't do justice to the beauty that unfolded before us but if you take a close look, you can see plenty of icebergs just off Bonavista.

#22The remainder of the day was spent exploring "all things Bonavista". The following images are in no particular order and probably not the best pictures you've ever seen but if you couldn't make it this year, I hope this gives you a taste for what you are missing.

  [gallery type="rectangular" ids="576,577,579,574,578,573,582,592,591,590,589,588,587,586,585,584,581,580,583,575,572,571,570,569,568,567,566,565,564" orderby="rand"]      

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