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Best way to spend a morning in western Newfoundland #ExploreNL

Darren Park
Four Seasons Tours

To cap of what was an already amazing May, we headed to Cox's Cove and aboard the 18 foot Mickey McArthy dory of Darren Park. We headed out of Cox's Cove towards Goose arm on a flat calm morning.

Our primary objective was to find and feed Bald Eagles, something that Darren has become well known for in these parts and around the world. We took our time stopping to cast a line but I never hooked anything - probably the first ever for a Darren Park boat tour.

When we arrived at the first known Bald Eagle area, just as if Darren called her and told her we're arriving, she swopped in and perched on a tree.

I figured for sure I was in for a treat. Darren had prepared some frozen fish as an offering that she couldn't refuse. But she did. Instead of taking the bait she just stared at us. Darren assumed it was likely because she was well fed from all the fishermen in the area. I assumed it was the company Darren was keeping for the morning. None the less she just stared.

Not to be totally disappointed, we spotted another Bald Eagle just a short distance away on the beach. This one had already snagged a feed of fish and was preparing to take it back to the nest. This would have been the picture of the day had I had a better lens. I now know for next visit.

I'm skipping over a big chunk of the tour that I'll come back to in a later update to this post. I have a large collection of photos (500 or so to share) but I'm not ready to process them all just yet so I'm and heading right to the visit to Woman Cove and the amazing muscles on the beach.

Darren has this beautiful little cabin directly across form Cox's Cove sitting on the beach amongst a few other cabins. This is where we headed for some muscles. Upon arriving Darren showed me around and took out a photo album packed with smiling faces. Darren thinks the people are smiling because of the tour but after spending a few hours with Darren, I know they were smiling because they know they now have a new best friend.

It's going to be very difficult to top an outing like this one. The pictures offer a sense of the beauty but until you get to spend a few hours with Darren, you'll never really understand the feeling. This guy is the real deal.

We really want you to experience this for yourself so one lucky email subscriber is going to win an outing with Darren Park of Four Seasons Tours. All you have to do is subscribe to our mailing list. We're going to draw for a winner sometime near the end of June.

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